He was so sweet and polite you said hello and he gladly said hello back and introduced himself he was polite you introduced yourself he asked if he could help show you around and help you to what room you had to go to you gladly accept the offer since you found him so sweet and cute. While you were going to the children you had to work with you saw Hart you found him adorable. The next day you went to a school to get some work experience since you wanted to work with children in the future and you just needed experience. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. you found them so sweet and hugged back the girls and kite smiled and walked off. you hold the girl tight and helped them cross the road kite watched you all this time and once the girls were safe you stroked their hair and waved bye but then one of the girls held your arm and you turned around and the girl hugged you for your kindness. kite couldn't help but stare at you not only your appearance but also for your kind heart too. But then a beautiful young girl around his age went to the girls and tried to help them the kind girl was you. He felt bad and was about to cross the road to help. From far he saw some orphan little girls with crutches they looked like harts age or younger they were trying to cross the road but it was quiet difficult to cross the road and no one took notice.

He gave up after a long day and took a break.

He searched but he didn't find the right person he's not just gonna trust any anyone it has to be a person who will never fail to make hart happy. He was in the city looking for places where he can find a babysitter that is perfect for hart. Though he didn't like the idea at first but he sheepishly agreed since there was no other way. One day orbital suggested to hire a babysitter or someone trustworthy that can take care of hart during his absence. But he was a busy guy who had many things to do such as helping his father or doing important research. He was always there for him and used everytime he had for him. Kite was always took care of his little brother hart. However, since Tenjo is an event-exclusive character as of May 2021, this deck is not easy to build, nor will it be widely used as compared to Blue-Eyes or Cyber Dragons.Requested by the great LitttleMissOreo.
#Kite tenjo farm plus
This deck, by in large, is actually pretty simple to build, as most of the items can be obtained from one box, plus grinding up Kite Tenjo’s character. All of these cards are LIGHT Monsters, which works well with the Galaxy Photon skill. Other Xyz monsters that can be used for this build are Number 39: Utopia, Number 91: Thunder Spark Dragon, and the Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis. That is the ultimate goal of this deck, to move fast, then get the two main Monsters out and win the game. Then, Starliege and Photon Dragon can attack a clear field and end of the game. This effect allows you to get the big Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon out with ease, and with the Galaxy Photon Skill, it can also pop a card via Photon Stream of Destruction. Vanisher is an ideal target, as summoning it can add one Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon to hand. Then, you can Special Summon Advancer and Vanisher, as both can be brought out when you control a Photon Monster. Thrasher can only be summoned when you control no other monsters, so keep that in mind. Now to get this deck off and running, you’ll want to start with either Thrasher or Crusher. This effect adds an incredible amount of protection, and it will also gain 500 ATK for each Xyz material on the other card, should it have been an Xyz Monster.

The one effect that you’ll want to get familiar with is this: when this card battles an opponent’s Monster, both cards can be banished, and then both will return at the end of the Battle Phase. Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon is the boss of this deck, as it has 3000 ATK, can be Special Summoned, and has a couple of powerful effects. The goal for this deck is simple: get two Photon monsters out on the first turn, Xyz summon, and then go right into Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon. As we mentioned earlier, this deck runs quite a few Monster cards.