the syntax is StrongholdDestroy_building name. StrongholdDestroy – allows you to destroy any structural building of your choice.the syntax is StrongholdBuild_building name. StrongholdBuild – allows you to build any structural building of your choice.StrongholdBuildAll – builds all the structural buildings in the stronghold.for example to set time at 10 AM the syntax is SetTime 1000. while changing the time remember the numbers are in milihours. Rest – gives rest no matter where you are and what supplies you have.NoFog – Removes the Fog of War making everything visible.the syntax is NoDamage 1 for activating and NoDamage 0 for deactivating. NoDamage – make the party immune to damage.HealParty – restores all the health and endurance of the all the party members.GivePlayerMoney – this command adds money.FreeRecipesToggle – this command will allow you craft without having the ingredients.the syntax for the command is type_slot_attribute. it does not matter if you have the item or not. FindGameData Example_Search – this allows you to view the details of whatever item you type in.0 = easy, 1 = normal, 2 = hard, 3 = PathOfTheDamned. Difficulty – Changes the difficulty to the selected level.CraftingDebug – this command will add a high amount of crafting items to your stash.the starting point can be anything like North1, North2, South1, South2, West1, West2, East1, East2. the syntax is Areatransition_areaname_startingpoint. Areatransition – allows you to teleport from one area to another.AdjustSecurity – this command allows you to increase or decrease the stronghold security.AdjustPrestige – this command allows you to increase or decrease the stronghold prestige.AddItem – this command will allow you to add any item to the game to your inventory.

the syntax is AddExperienceToLevel_amount. AddExperienceToLevel – this command adds experience points to reach the next level.Addexperience – this command adds Experience points.ActivateStronghold – this command allows you access to the stronghold.

Iroll20s – this would allow you to use the console command and also disable the achievements.launch the game again from the steam library and while in game press the “`/~” and the console will come out. on the new window go to the general tab and click on the “Set Launch Options” and type “-console”, then press ok. To do this go to the steam library and right click on Pillars Of Eternity 2: Deadfire and then click on properties, this will bring out a new window. this should bring out the console but if the console doesn’t pop up you will need to enable it manually.

To use the cheat first log into the game and press the default console key “`/~”. List Of Console Commands In Pillars Of Eternity 2: Deadfire you can do all this in your normal playthrough or you can spice up your gameplay using the console command listed below.
In Pillars Of Eternity 2: Deadfire, players can recruit many different characters as their companions, recruit crew members for their ship, get new pets and upgrade your character to become a godlike being. it is action RPG game where players pursue a rogue over the land and sea. Developer Obsidian Entertainment and Publisher Versus Evil, Obsidian Entertainment have released their new latest game titled Pillars Of Eternity 2: Deadfire.